
All Students are expected to fulfil the Basic Expectations of the school:

Respect people and property

Students are to be respectful in attitude and manner to people and property.

Attend school regularly

Students are to attend all academic programs, co-curricular activities, school functions and other school related programs.

Do and submit assignments

Students are to work diligently not only on assigned daily class work, homework, projects and others but also have regular self-revision in order to ensure quality work is produced.
  • All students are expected to a caring, persevering and forward-looking persons.
  • Maintain highest standards of cleanliness at all times on the school premises. Cleanliness includes the maintenance of the immediate surrounding areas.
  • Do leave the areas in school in a better condition and state of cleanliness after use.
  • Take good care of school properties and premises. Cost of replacement for vandalized items will be borne by student(s) responsible for the damage.
  • All students are to make good use of platforms created for development
  • Keep the classroom clean and neat at all times.
  • Show consideration to others by keeping the noise level low.
  • A respectful silence and orderliness must be maintained during all assemblies.
  • Mobile phones can only be switched on in the canteen during recess or after school.

Recognizing positive behavior

The use of praise in developing a positive atmosphere in the classroom cannot be underestimated. It is the key to developing positive relationships, including those learners who are hardest to reach. Systems that emphasize praise are more effective in motivating pupils to make appropriate choices and to repeat the associated behavior. The School employs a range of strategies to this end. Rewards and recognition contribute because they:

  • help to build and maintain positive relationships between staff and pupils and between pupils
  • make the school experience more enjoyable for pupils and all staff
  • encourage pupils to repeat the desirable behaviors that earned the rewards
  • contribute to pupils’ self-esteem and confidence

What do we do to encourage and recognize positive behaviors and attitudes?

Recognize achievement, effort, improvement and attitudinal behaviors

  • Instant verbal praise or written comment on work or in planners where appropriate
  • Make use of essential agreements to encourage students take responsibility for their behavior
  • Share positive news with parents e.g. notes in planner, e-mails and phone calls home.
  • Celebrate in assemblies and Celebrations of Learning
  • Class targets & agreed rewards
  • Assign students responsibilities and roles of leadership

Modifying poor behavior - the restorative approach

On those occasions where pupil behavior contradicts the school’s values and expectations on behavior, the school will employ positive interventions and restorative practices to provide the pupil with an opportunity to reflect on their behavior and to support them in recognizing how they can modify and improve their behavior and future actions.
Restorative practice aims to transform behavior and restore and improve relationships. This strategy allows all those involved to think about the choices they have made, the impact these choices have had on themselves and others and how better choices can be made in the future. It also allows pupils to take responsibility for their own behavior. Restorative practice aims to achieve the following:

  • A calmer, quieter and more productive learning environment
  • A more respectful climate
  • A shift away from sanction-based responses that aim to ‘manage’ behavior, toward a more relational approach
  • Better relationships amongst children and staff
  • People being more honest and willing to accept responsibility

Teachers and Students communication

Students can communicate with their teachers through the LMS ONLY

Students and Parents as well are not allowed to send teachers through WhatsApp or any social media accounts

In case student or Parent send teachers, the message will be ignored


It’s a WhatsApp Group between the school administration and the volunteer mother from each class.