

A voluntary method of quality assurance developed more than 100 years ago by American universities and secondary schools and designed primarily to distinguish institutions adhering to a set of educational standards and policies. Accreditation applies to an entire institution or system.

Status for Accreditation and Certification:

Accredited  (Certificate)

St. Fatima School , based on the most recent Engagement Review, meets a number of Standards and criteria and has documented performance results and an Index of Education Quality® (IEQ®) score at acceptable levels. Our institution will continue with that status through the assigned expiration date of the five-year accreditation term as long as the institution continuously meets the policies, Standards, and Assurances for accreditation.


St. Fatima was first accredited by CITA 2005 and 2010, 2015 by Advanc-ED and 2020 by Cognia (Formerly by Advanc-ED).